RECAP: Jeffrey Sanker White Party 2012

April 8th, 2012 | 06:00 PM Pacific Time

There’s one word to describe this past weekend at Jeffrey Sanker’s White Party: SUPERCHARGED.

The people and the music were as hot as the Palm Springs weather and there was a lot of Kwanza Jones love in the air. As always, Kwanza turned it out on stage and by the looks of things, there were many new Kwanza Jones fans after the performance.

A supercharged shoutout goes to Tyrell and for showing the love! Click here to read his Rising Artist Spotlight article.

Don’t worry, photos are on the way for those who couldn’t join in on the festivities.

Be sure to keep checking back to for future events and performances.

Also, don’t forget to check out the Kwanza Jones Youtube Channel. Subscribe, rate, comment, and share!



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