What is the difference between chess and life?
Hey Love,
Have you ever played chess? It’s a game of strategy, persistence, and masterful positioning. It’s about defining how you want to win. And guess what? Life works the same way. You have to define your goals. Understanding where you want to go and how you’re going to get there is also important. You have to learn and figure things out because the path forward won’t always be mapped out for you.
Life is about learning and exploring. It’s also about taking action so that you can get to where you want to be. Just like the SUPERCHARGED® pulse, in life, you’re going to have some highs, and then some lows. But by adding to your knowledge and taking consistent action, you will be able to make forward progress. Listen to this:
Remember, the more you learn, the more you know, and the more things you’ll be able to achieve. For this month’s highlights of the Kwanza Jones Chronicles, I provide insights on how to achieve the life you deserve.
- In order to make forward progress, you have to be intentional with your space and energy. You need to take note of those who make you doubt yourself and limit their influence in your life. To learn more on how to set boundaries for a successful life, check out this article that my SUPERCHARGED Teamily recently published.
- Earlier this year I had the privilege of being the master of ceremonies for the Alliance Foundation’s 2023 Heroes Among Us event, which included my dear friend, Brett Brewer, among this year’s honorees. The foundation helps to raise resources and visibility for the Alliance network of schools and advocates for policies that improve quality public education for historically underserved youth. At the event, we were able to raise $1.5 million for Alliance scholars and schools, including $320,000 to send Alliance seniors off to college with College Care Package scholarships.
- As you may know, I use music to energize, empower, and inspire you to create the life that you deserve. Last month, my team and I released a special collection of four new tracks titled, “Queen Moves Only (The Remixes).” These songs are remixes of my original track, “Queen Moves Only.” My intention for this is to motivate you all to make moves with inspiration, intention, and purpose.
Listen to “Queen Moves Only (The Remixes)”
- I recently had the opportunity to spend some time with some nsoro scholars: Malika, Gio, Dennis, Chelea, and Tekoa. They all shine brightly with promise and prospects for the future and you know that I got a huge boost. I was particularly struck by something that Monica Pantoja, nsoro’s Executive Director shared with me: the prior day, a scholar shared the revelation that they had spent a lifetime being proud of themselves as they did not have a person with whom they could share triumphs and wins. Monica went on to tell me that the time I spent with them that day allowed them to see that I truly care and celebrate (and commiserate when needed) with and for them: “Kwanza is so real, we heard her at Starfish. She really cares about us, and was genuinely involved in our conversation.” Take a moment every day to make someone realize that they matter to you: it doesn’t need to be anything big — be genuine, authentic, and engaged and change someone’s day. It will make you feel SUPERCHARGED.
Remember, as you go through life, you’re going to have some highs and some lows. Change will always come. The thing that will be consistent is you. As long as you keep pushing through, keep learning, and keep moving forward, your progress will lead you to the life that you deserve, I call it the #SUPERCHARGEDLife.
Connect with me in the Kwanza Jones Boost Friends™ Community. If you’re already a member, sign in, or go here to learn more. You’ll receive weekly tips, accountability check-ins, and many more BOOSTS that will help you stay accountable and get you closer to your goals.
Who loves you? I do!
Bye for now,
Upcoming: What do you do when things get challenging and it feels like nothing you do will get better? Do you give up or do you push yourself to the limit? Stay tuned for the next Kwanza Jones Chronicles to see what my team and I have been working on!
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