Mindset boost: Listen to be heard
Hey Love,
Ever felt like avoiding a tough conversation? We’ve all been there. But the truth is, those difficult discussions are often where real connection happens. It’s not just about speaking your mind; it’s about truly listening and understanding the other person’s perspective. When you approach these conversations with curiosity and respect, you open the door to growth and mutual understanding. Don’t shy away from the discomfort because that’s where the transformation begins. Listen to this for an approach you can take when having a difficult conversation.
Sometimes you have to drop the mic and pick up the headphones. If you want to be heard, you need to listen. By doing this, you’ll be able to create effective communication and connection.
That’s the Mindset Boost I have for you today. For this Kwanza Jones Chronicles, here are the highlights—you might just discover some more boosts before you get to the end.
- I’ve got a question for you. What steps are you taking now to shape your future the way you want? One powerful way to take control of your future is by using your right to vote. You’re STRONG enough, SMART enough, and BOLD enough. Own your power and use your voice! Take action. Your vote is your voice, so use it to create the future you want.
- Recently, LA Tech Cares celebrated 5 years of providing access to high-quality education for California’s most underserved students. LA Tech Cares brings together business leaders and philanthropists to collaborate with promising education nonprofits on ways to dramatically improve the lives of students from low-income communities in California. This year, LA Tech Cares is collaborating with EdVoice, a nonprofit reshaping public education in California by changing state policy so that children from low-income communities receive high-quality education. During the event, Marshall Tuck, CEO of EdVoice, spoke on the work that LA Tech Cares is doing. Join us in supporting our campaign to transform the future of education for California’s underserved students.
- I co-founded the Kwanza Jones & José E. Feliciano Initiative with two overarching goals in mind – to boost humanity and power possibilities. That’s why I love partnering with organizations like Kapor Capital, an Oakland-based venture capital firm that invests in industry-transforming startups. Their mission goes beyond traditional venture capital—they prioritize creating a more just and equitable society for low income and underrepresented communities of color.
- As an indie artist, I make a conscious choice to use my voice and speak my truth without constraints. In recent years, we’ve experienced increasing levels of divisiveness, with political, social, and cultural tensions reaching new heights. Now more than ever, we need to be united. I’ve seen enough apathy and inaction. That’s why I released the song titled, “More Now Than Ever” in 2022. The strength of what unites us far surpasses what divides us.
If we all come together, we can create a world where everyone has the freedom to speak their truth and celebrate their differences. Let’s all unite to make it happen.
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Who loves you? I do! Bye for now,
Upcoming: My team and I have been working on a new project that I hope will inspire change and bring us all together. Stay tuned for the next issue of the Kwanza Jones Chronicles to find out what it’s about!
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