7 Days of Kwanza – Day 6: Become Self Aware
By Kwanza Jones

Ready to start the challenge for Day 7? Read more here. Day 6: Become Self Aware
Day 6 of #7DaysofKwanza is all about becoming self aware, but it’s not something you have to do on your own.
Before I get into that, I want to remind you that no one can determine what matters to you. You have to do that on your own. You have to understand what is important to you and figure out what success looks like for YOU.
Make sure that you take the time to understand this before taking the next step.
Once you have that settled within yourself, the next level of self awareness happens when you are able to ask for and be open to trusted feedback.
So, the challenge for today is to reach out to someone you know and trust, and ask them to tell you the truth about YOU.
Make sure this person truly has your best interests at heart, and then ask the following questions:
1. What are some things you think I do well?
2. What are some things about me that you feel are hindering or holding me back?
3. What are some things you think I should keep doing?
4. What are some things you think I should change?
If this person is rooting for you and wants to see you win, they will offer insights that you may not have been able to see yourself.
This is a tool you can use for self reflection and is a key to becoming more self aware!
Get out of your comfort zone.
If this challenge makes you uncomfortable, then I encourage you to shift your mindset around the idea of “feedback. Begin to see it as a resource to learn and draw from rather than a form of criticism.
Get out of your comfort zone and give this a try. The more comfortable you become with asking for, and receiving feedback, the more opportunities you give yourself to grow.
If you are looking for ways to grow your circle of trusted mentors, be sure to join the Boost Friends community. I've made it my mission to create a place where we can build greater wealth, better health, more knowledge and opportunities, together.
Almost there!
The past 6 days have been incredible! We only have 1 more day to go, so I hope you are ready to end it with a bang.
If you're ready to start Day 7, Click here.
Until then, bye for now!
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