Building for Better: 3 Simple Steps for Living a SUPERCHARGED Life

By Kwanza Jones

the supercharged life featured image

After a tough (almost) two years, the world is slowly healing. There’s a sense of hopefulness in the air again, and I’m SO here for it! These past few months have been all about building. We’ve all needed to rebuild in some way or another - whether it's our businesses, our network, or ourselves.

COVID has forced us to rethink the way we do things. Now, it's time for a post-pandemic GLOW-UP! Pull yourself together and finish that task you've been feeling too lazy to work on. Take that course you've been thinking about.

Done with those already? Then work on your network. No one succeeds alone… sometimes, you need a BOOST. The better your network, the easier it will be for them to support you. This is the kind of life that gets you closer to your goals. I call it livin’ that SUPERCHARGED® Life.

Living a SUPERCHARGED Life means working hard and playing hard. It means choosing quality over quantity in all aspects, and surrounding yourself with a network of #boostfriends. In other words, friends that will keep you motivated and inspired to keep taking action towards your goals and hold you accountable when you need it most.

Sounds like a great life, doesn’t it? Here are 3 more ways to live a SUPERCHARGED Life.

1. Build a Solid Foundation

Have you ever seen a good building without a solid foundation?


You’ve got to know yourself first. To achieve great things, you need to start by giving yourself the necessary boost. Life is about constant learning and self-development.

Are you ready to level up? Start by registering for my SUPERCHARGED Summit and connect with a community of people looking to live a SUPERCHARGED Life. The SUPERCHARGED® Summit is a high-impact, high-energy experience that I host every year to help people boost their personal and professional lives. This year’s theme is, you guessed it, building! Building a better career, a better life, a better world, and a better YOU.

become a better you

To register for this year’s Summit, join the 2021 SUPERCHARGED Summit Group inside my Boost Friends™ Community.

This Summit is your opportunity for growth. Will you grab this opportunity or let it slide?

2. Build your Network

Living a SUPERCHARGED Life means choosing substance over the superficial. It's about the quality you keep, not the quantity. If you want to live your best boost life, then it's time to level up your network.

The SUPERCHARGED Boost Friends community was meant to do just that. It's an inclusive, yet exclusive network of people who want to succeed and help others succeed too.

Your next-level network is your key to a next-level life. Our group of mentors, partners, and collaborators want to see you winning.
Did you know that the SUPERCHARGED Summit provides the perfect environment for you to build your network of Boost Friends?

If you were looking for an opportunity to build your network, here you go. Register for the Summit to be a part of it.

3. Build Others Up

There’s nothing more rewarding than living your purpose and boosting those around you. You grow and glow differently when you help others. Boosting others boosts you as well, you get more out of life!

Whether big or small, we all have the potential to make a difference in someone else’s life. Community truly is everything. Having someone’s back and them having yours? Priceless! So, always be willing to build others up, never think that your success has to be at the expense of someone else's. It’s about having an abundance mindset.

Don’t forget to register…

It’s time to put these steps into practice so that you can start living your #boosted, SUPERCHARGED Life. Register for my SUPERCHARGED Summit to learn how to build a better you, so that you can build a better world!

This is going to be everything you need and more.

I’m so excited for your growth and can’t wait to see you there!

Who loves you? I do!

Bye for now,

Kwanza Jones Signature

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Kwanza Jones

Kwanza Jones is on a mission to boost a billion lives through culture, community, and capital. She is a sought-after speaker, accomplished artist, impact investor, and philanthropist. With a multifaceted background spanning music, media, production, law and business, Jones is an energetic and visionary leader. She is CEO and founder of SUPERCHARGED® by Kwanza Jones, a motivational media company. Jones has served on numerous boards including the Apollo Theater, Bennett College, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer, and Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. Through her Jones•Feliciano Initiative, she has committed over $165 million to education, entrepreneurship, equity and empowerment organizations. Connect with me on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | X (formerly Twitter) | Kwanza Jones Boost Friends™ Community.