Webinar: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
April 4th, 2020 | 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Turning Obstacles into Opportunities. How to level up in a post-COVID-19 world.
You may be wondering what comes next for you after COVID-19. The decision is 1000% yours to make. Would you rather be proactive or reactive? What’s the difference?
That’s exactly what Kwanza Jones and Master Boost Igniter, and #BoostFriend Jody Jacobs will discuss in this week’s webinar. You’ll learn how to view obstacles as opportunities then turn those opportunities into action! It may seem a few far in between, but there is so much you can take advantage of during this time. And time doesn’t mean tomorrow or next week…it means NOW!
Are you ready for the challenge?
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