It’s here! Or maybe it’s right around the corner…
Hey love,
I’m sitting on my couch listening to holiday music as I write this. Soon the holiday music will stop and I’ll be doing the 10-9-8-7-6-countdown to the New Year. But first, I’ve got 3 things for you: a dare, a dedication, and a dream.
Here’s the latest in the Kwanza Jones Chronicles…
Ever notice how you only hear about spreading cheer during the holidays? Well, I’m for joy, cheer, and energy all throughout the year. Did you ever receive a gift you were so excited about you couldn’t sit still? Did it make you feel like this?
Remember, that feeling doesn’t have to end just because the holidays are over. In the New Year, I dare you to do something everyday that brings you joy. It doesn’t have to be big. It just has to be done… repeatedly.
In other words… don’t be afraid to give and to live with more energy and more enthusiasm.
Now, about the energy in that video. Right before the holiday break, my SUPERCHARGED team and I did something that brought joy to ourselves and many others. We teamed up with the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank to sort and pack boxes of food to be distributed to those in need. Each box was enough food to feed a family of four, 4 meals.
During our volunteer shift we packed 2,640 boxes!
Beyond the boxes, we gave an additional boost. For every box we packed, the Kwanza Jones & José E. Feliciano Initiative donated $5 to the LA Food Bank (2640 boxes x $5 = $13,200). I decided to round it up to $15,000.
The financial boost was an unexpected surprise for the LA Food Bank team member; hence his excitement in the picture.
Here’s a little known fact, every $1 donated provides enough food for 4 meals to feed hungry children, seniors, and families. That means our donation was able to feed 60,000 underserved friends in our community.
Almost ten years ago I released an album that was the starting point of so much that I do today. Can you guess the name?
If you guess SUPERCHARGED, you’re right.
As part of that release, I shared my SUPERCHARGED Statement with my friends and fans. Essentially, it’s a personal statement I wrote to keep me motivated and always moving forward.
This New Year’s, forget resolutions. Instead, figure out how will you show up for YOU this year. What are you dedicated to being?
For me, it’s SUPERCHARGED.
If that works for you too, you’re more than welcome to make the SUPERCHARGED Statement your own. Or, you can create your own personal statement that’s a dedication to you being fully, unapologetically, intentionally you. Don’t want to do it alone? Your Boost Friends got you.
Ever find yourself in the middle of a dream then you wake up? That happens to me often. But, I have this uncanny ability to go back to sleep and pick back up where I left off in my dream.
Best thing about dreams are possibilities. In your dreams you’re not worried about getting wet when it rains. You stretch and are limitless.
Here’s the dream I have for you – that you wake up to new possibilities and opportunities. Need some friendly motivation to help you? Look no further! I’ve got you covered with my podcast, the Kwanza Jones SUPERCHARGED Wake Up. Time to stop hitting snooze and start making moves.
Don’t be afraid to dream and do something different. Even if it’s doing something like I did – like putting on your beach shoes and walking in the rain.
That’s all for now. Happy New Year’s from me and the SUPERCHARGED team!
Keep wearing your mask. Stay safe, and know things will get better.
Know someone who could benefit from this email? Please forward it to them. Thanks.
Who loves you? I do.
Bye for now,
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