Vote SUPERCHARGED for Song of the Year!
By Kwanza Jones
If you haven't already, visit to vote "SUPERCHARGED" for Song of the Year!
Don't stop there...
The Dance/Pop Diva has another nomination in Gaosalad's annual Universal Conquest Awards. Be sure to also vote "I'm a Gladiator in a Thong" as Best Lyric!
There are 5 days left to vote!
In other news, the "SUPERCHARGED" music video has been receiving a continuous stream of love across the internet, including some new fans from Down Under.
Yes, now even the Aussies will be getting su-su-Supercharged. featured Kwanza Jones and her new music video this week with their list of important (and funny) facts about the Supercharged songstress.
Check it out here.
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