4 Empowering Ways to Boost DEIB in Your Life and Community
By Team Kwanza Jones
Hey Boost Friend!
We hear the acronym DEIB thrown around a lot today, but do you really understand what it means?
DEIB highlights the need for people of all backgrounds and experiences to be heard, seen, valued, respected, and celebrated for their similarities and differences.
It’s not just a matter of creating equal opportunity for everyone, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, and background. DEIB welcomes people to want to be their true and complete selves without fear of judgment or being seen as “other,” or lesser than.
Each of the 4 letters that make up DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) carry significant meaning on their own. Yet, without just 1 letter, it would be impossible to create a safe space for you and me to feel celebrated and valued for who we truly are.
DEIB also attracts creativity and collaboration, which fosters new ideas and the advancement of society as a whole. Although it has come a long way, there’s still a great deal of hard work that needs to be done to boost DEIB.
For example, women, just like everyone else in society, deserve to feel seen, heard, and valued. A lot of work has been done to make this possible. However, there remain several issues that exist.
From fighting for reproductive rights and freedom, to equal pay and equal representation in government, the fight to make the world a more equitable place for women continues.
Advocating for women’s rights and freedoms is one way to boost DEIB. Yes, it may seem overwhelming, and it will take a lot of hard work, courage, and perseverance. Yet, positive change, no matter how big or small, is possible. And it starts with you. Read on to learn more about how you can boost DEIB as an individual.
Here are 4 ways to boost DEIB as an Individual
1. Practice Self-Awareness
Boosting DEIB starts with YOU. This means being aware of not only what’s going on around you, but also making a conscious and consistent effort to check yourself and any potential biases you may have on a daily basis.
This doesn’t mean you need to strive toward perfection. However, you need to continue to learn and grow. When you make a microaggression or a friend points out a bias of yours that you may not have known, it’s important to learn and grow from those experiences.
2. Don’t Argue…Interrogate!
When you run into someone with different beliefs or opinions than your own, rather than immediately going on the offensive and arguing your position, interrogate that individual.
Actively look to learn, listen, and be curious about others' beliefs, values, or opinions that may be different than your own.
Ask questions. Spark dialogue and open discussion, not a one-sided argument in which your mission is to prove the other person wrong.
3. Commit to Learning & Unlearning
Similar to practicing self-awareness, commit to making an active effort every day to learn and grow your cultural intelligence as an individual, while unlearning negative biases and patterns within your mind.
Let’s face it, boosting DEIB is HARD WORK. It requires a commitment day in and day out to unlearn negative unconscious biases, develop your cultural intelligence, and take action.
4. Speak Up, Even If It’s Scary
It can be scary to speak up and use your voice to share your values, beliefs, and opinions, especially when surrounded by people who share different opinions. Yet, you must speak up. Yes, it takes courage. And yes, it may take getting out of your comfort zone to voice your opinions.
If you are surrounded by people that share different opinions or beliefs than your own, rather than hiding or diminishing your beliefs, use your VOICE.
Be your true and complete self. Speak up and share what you believe in, even if it’s different.
Not only should your opinions be respected, but you should also respect and be curious about others’ opposing beliefs.
Time To Show Up & Act
DEIB is essential so everyone is seen, heard, valued, and respected.
Boosting DEIB takes a daily conscious effort to enact change in your life and the world around you.
Now that you know how to boost DEIB, it’s time to show up and take action!
We get it, making positive change all on your own can be overwhelming. But we’re all in this together. No one succeeds alone…sometimes you need a boost! Subscribe to the Kwanza Jones Chronicles newsletter for more tips on how to improve your life and the world around you.
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