supercharged gets glam

Supercharged gets G.L.A.M. with JaxH8

Artist and music critic Jackson Haight, aka JaxH8 of G.L.A.M. (Gay & Lesbian Arts & Music Magazine), gives Think Again and upcoming single Time To Go a musical strip-down and lesson on the bare bones fundamentals of dance and…

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when people are wrong about you

Kwanza Says: Somebody Told You Wrong

Has someone ever told you… “You’re fat,” “You’re ugly,” “You’ll never be good enough,” “You’re worthless,” “No one will ever like you.” Or maybe they didn’t say those words exactly but…

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pursuing your dreams

Kwanza Says: In Your Dreams

Everyone has dreams. I’m not talking about the dreams that you have when you close your eyes and go to sleep. I’m talking about the dreams you have during your waking…

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Words matter

Kwanza Says: Words Matter

WORDS MATTER. Look in the mirror and tell yourself, “I am fearless, fabulous and capable of doing great things.” How does that make you feel? Now what if you were to change…

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Kwanza Jones at Drop In The Bucket Charity Event

Drop in the Bucket Charity

To raise awareness for their efforts to expand the availability of well water to various areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, Drop in the Bucket and Causecast joined forces to put on this worthwhile charity event at…

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