Boosting a Generation: Be the Change You Wish to See in the World
By Team Kwanza Jones

If you’ve been keeping up with Kwanza, you’ll know that she’s a huge advocate for equal access to education. It’s one of her core pillars. And with the life-changing boost education provides - what’s not to value?
We understand that our circumstances often determine our opportunities. While we have all been affected by COVID-19, there’s no denying that low-income communities have been disproportionately impacted. The pandemic not only shone a bright light on pre-existing inequities, it amplified them.
Kwanza Jones is all about BOOSTING lives, so last year she joined forces with tech giants Brett Brewer and Brian Lee to create LA Tech Cares. This initiative bridges the educational gap by providing students from low-income families in Los Angeles with the necessary tools and resources to thrive.
When schools abruptly closed last spring to curb the spread of COVID-19, there was an overnight shift to remote learning and students lost access to the resources they typically receive at school. To address this urgent need, LA Tech Cares partnered with Alliance College-Ready Public Schools. Together, they raised $290,000 to provide Wi-Fi hotspots and broadband access to 3,000 students in need. This was a MAJOR help with online schooling.
But there is more work to be done. So, this year, LA Tech Cares is partnering with LA Education Recovery Fund to provide academic resources, enrichment programs and mental health services to students. Their goal is to raise $300,000 to address these urgent needs and you can help them get there!
Here's What LA Tech Cares is Building This Year
Many students in low-income communities see school as more than just a place to learn. They see it as a place to receive support beyond what their families may be able to provide. Teachers, school counselors or even peers can be a strong support system. And with the additional pandemic trauma caused by isolation, lack of stability and job loss, illness and deaths of family members, students are in dire need of assistance and guidance to navigate these challenges. LA Tech Cares is funding mental health services and social-emotional support to help students recover and ultimately thrive!
Additionally, school closures meant that students from low-income families missed out on enrichment activities that fuel their passions like arts and sports, as well as prepare them for life beyond high school. LA Tech Cares is providing critical funding for summer enrichment and after-school programs. Who knows, this could be the foundation of the next great artist, football player or entrepreneur!
Last but definitely not least, to mitigate learning loss from the last year, LA Tech Cares is providing funding for extra tutoring as well as capacity building for families to support their kids’ education outside of the classroom.
Be the Change You Wish to See in the World
We know that a lot of us have more power and privilege than we may realize. Operating from a place of power makes it even better when you’re able to use it to change someone’s life.
LA Tech Cares has big goals, like $300,000 big, and they cannot achieve these goals alone. If you are financially fit and this cause sounds like something you’d like to contribute to, please donate by clicking here. And if you’re not able to donate right now - please share this initiative with someone who can, that would really help!
Together, we can create a more equitable future for learners in need. As Kwanza always says, “No one succeeds alone!”
Until next time,
Team Kwanza
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