support each other

7 Days of Kwanza – Day 4: Support Each Other

I always say, “no one succeeds alone…sometimes you need a boost! That’s why it’s so important that we support each other. We’re stronger together! Read more for tips on how you can be more supportive in Day #4 of 7 Days of Kwanza

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7 Days of Kwanza Challenge

7 Days of Kwanza Challenge

Join me in celebrating #7DaysofKwanza. I’ll challenge you every day this week to get outside of your comfort zones, virtually connect with your #BoostFriends, and enjoy the Holiday season.

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help students during covid

LA Tech Cares: How We Can Make A More Equitable Future for Tomorrow's Leaders

FACT: Access to the internet gives you greater access to opportunities.
But what about the families who don’t have reliable internet access? What about the children in our communities who do not have the resources to attend class virtually? A $50 monthly payment may be a second thought for some but is out of reach for so many here in Los Angeles.

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